How and When To Use WinDirStat

If you are a dedicated follower of Tekspecz, especially if you kept bases with that other site, then you might have came across one of my posts where I talked about WinDirStart. I highly recommended WinDirStart as I always do with any software that's free and useful.

First a brief nugget, WinDirStat is a freeware application that gives PC users a graphical and numerical breakdown of applications that might be accessing an abundant amount of space on your hard drive.  The software itself very cut and dry with no such complexities involved when in use.

When to use it?

WinDirStat is just a colorful, yet interesting  piece of software, often its not the operation of the app that draws attention, but it's visual graphics which seems to have people like myself glaring at all the color coded representation of every single working file and software on your hard drive. If you want me to just cut to chase and know when is WinDirStat useful, you'll need it to gain more information as to what files or software might be eating up a large chunk of space on your hard drive,thus causing a possible slow down within your system.

How to use it ?

As I stated before, WinDirStat is a very simple application to use. Simply download the program and rest  take cares of itself, no steep learning curve, no complexity. The operation of WinDirStat takes about a couple minutes to access and asses all the files and software on your hard drive. Remember, WinDirStat is more about the visual aspect of the software, seeing all your files group together in a colorize order is indeed amazing.



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