This past weekend OnePlus has finally released its long awaited Android ROM OxygenOS for the OnePlus One smartphone. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer were originally suppose to release CyanogenMod 11S, and in most areas around the planet will still be afforded the CyanogenMod 12S update. The idea of OxygenOS came about as a result of a rift between OnePlus and CyanogenMod,with some of the acting conflict coming on behalf of CyanogenMod and Micromax which is located in India, altogether preventing OnePlus from shipping updates in future on devices that runs CyanogenMod.
Image source: OnePlus
As a solution to the problem OnePlus creates OxygenOS, thus eliminating the need to rely on software from another companies. OxygenOS is a Android layered mobile OS that is created by OnePlus, this is very similar to what you see with Apple,which of course are the sole creators of iOS. This gives the company itself total control over any device as a platform.The update is not coming directly over the air. Anyone expressing interest installing OxygenOS for now must download the ROM from OnePlus,unlock their bootloader, and root the ROM via fastboot. There is a installation guide on OnePlus forum for those not familiar with rooting Android devices