Samsung Disables Windows Update Much To The Displeasure From Microsoft

Wasn't to long ago when we all witness an absolute PR disaster from Lenovo with its whole Superfish Adaware mess. In detail,what Levono has done was covertly installed an Adaware file that enabled popups to evolve right on your brand new Levono laptop. To make a long story short,Levono was caught and immediately  disabled the Adaware.

Now we have this,another credible computer manufacture in Samsung out of all people participating in underlying illicit actions within your Windows operating by disabling your automatic Windows updates. The suspect program is titled Disable_Windowsupdate.exe . The file is pretty much self explanatory, the executable file prevents Windows update from automatically running in the background. This forces the user,you,me to look for and manually install Windows updates.

This is really concerning to Microsoft and to me. For one,there are many computer owners believe it or not don't have the basic knowledge to look for and install their own updates, even more alarming there are those who don't even know how important is Windows updates to your system. Disabling Windows updates on Samsung computers has the potential to be disastrous for computer users who isn't well verse in Windows operating system. Also disabling Windows updates can prevent Windows from installing default drivers for all the hardware on your laptop which will not operate. For example your USB 3.0 on the laptop.

Microsoft has stated that "Windows Update remains a critical component of our security commitment to our customers. We do not recommend disabling or modifying Windows Update in many ways as this expose a customer to increased security risks." There you have it from Microsoft, as you can take from the general statement from the software titan they are not to please with Samsung.

Of course you have the whole Samsung dance around on this issue,they have gone on record to say there is no potential problem.

If by chance you have just purchase your new Samsung laptop,my suggestion to you is immediately head right over to your Windows update and see if your automatic updates has been disable by default. If it is,enable it.

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