Unfortunately these days partaking in file backups means syncing all of your precious data to some cloud base service such as Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft's own SkyDrive. True, there are other means of backup, such as external drives and or NAS servers, but cloud base backup is easy and costs no money at all, that is unless you want to extend your storage capacity. My biggest problem with cloud base storage is security, my trust factor is minimal, partly because there seems to be no guarantee form of high level encryption provided on their end. Plus who's to say companies like Microsoft,Google and Dropbox aren't prying into your data. Technically you forfeit rights to your files once you use cloud base services
There has to be a solution to encrypt your files before ever syncing it to a cloud base service, I mean is there such a app? The answer is yes, that app is Viivo and its my pick for PC Tools Weekly.
So exactly what is Viivo? Its a very simple app that basically encrypts your file or your entire folder before syncing it to a cloud base service.
Lets get technical here without being long winded, Viivo works like this. It secures your documents using a industry standard high level encryption such as RSA 2048 and AES-256 which locks down your entire data from hackers and yes data snoopers who are employed at these cloud base services. In detail Viivo uses the multi-level hybrid crypto approach when securing files, like that vacation pics of your family at Disney world.
Viivo has claimed that once it secures your files, their servers will never view copies of your data or your passphrase. I myself use Viivo on the regular bases because I must admit I do use cloud base services as a extra backup alternative. Viivo is a cut to the chase app that's has no steep learning curve. Importantly, its free though if you want more features there is a Pro edition that requires you spend some money.