This Is My Next Project: Upgrade The Hard Drive In My PS4

Unbeknownst to me or call it me just being naive, I truly ignored the fact that there are some games for the PS4 require a great deal of hard drive space. It seems like the more popular the gaming title, the more it takes up a great portion of your hard drive . I viewed my PS4 hard drive settings and was shocked at how much space I currently have on my hard drive, 150GB of space left out of 500GB,ouch. I have to take into consideration games like Batman Arkham Knight and NBA 2K demand at least 50GB of hard drive space. Then throw in all the downloaded apps from the PlayStation app store, you have a recipe for a shrinkage in storage space.

This is the time of year where you'll see an abundance of popular gaming titles being release to market, games such as NBA 2k16, Uncharted4 and Call of Duty Black Ops will retail for purchase very soon. So hard drive space will be needed to accommodate these awesome games. Sadly, I'll have to uninstall some of my old games to create extra hard drive space.  

The remedy to this problem is quite simple, replace it with a 2TB 2.5-inch SATA II hard drive, which I certainly attend to do. The best thing about owning a PS4 is users are afforded an option to easily swap hard drives,either for a SSD or a traditional HDD that has more storage space. 

The tools I'll need for this project is a Phillip head screw driver, USB thumb drive so I can upload the firmware back onto the PS4, and a SATA II hard drive. I will also need my external hard drive so I can back up all of my saved games.

The upgrade process should not take along, swapping hard drives out of a PS4 is quite simple. I may run into some difficulty when I upload the firmware from my USB thumb drive, loading firmware to any device can be problematic. 

When I complete my project there will most certainly be a follow to this post so stay tune,wish me luck. Tech related projects like the one I'm about to partake in will be a monthly feature on this website.

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