Windows Hidden Tools Weekly: Disk Cleaner

Topic: Software

Often times we're all guilty of having that itchy download finger.  We see apps that may benefit our computer, instantly right click and install.  Some of these apps are tools that enhances system performance. Many will resort to downloading these utility apps just for show on their desktop, a storage space waster.

 Yet deep within your Windows operating system there are a bevy of featured tools that performs exactly as  most third party apps you've probably already installed.  Windows 10 alone have a bevy of hidden tools, some are buried deep within your Start Menu alone, while others can be made accessible via a command.

Upon some serious brainstorming, and I came up with this idea,  every week I will unveil some hidden Windows tools that will certainly prove beneficial to your system. 

This week I christen things off with Disk Cleanup.  


When it comes to ridding your hard drive useless files,  most will settle on using a third party app. One that comes to mind is the ever so popular CCleaner.  It's popularity is justified, it's rich in features, provides you with a bevy of options needed to rid yourself of unwanted temp files,  cookies and other sorts of data dumps that's wasting away on your hard drive. More importantly it gets job done.  

There is though something comparable to CCleaner that's built within your Windows operating system, it's call Disk Cleaner,  which believe it or not been around since Windows XP. How it operates goes as follows.  

Go directly into your Start Menu and type in Disk Cleaner,  once you engage in the enter key (your keyboard that is),  the feature will then appear on your desktop. By default, the first option is set to clean the (C:) drive, now if you have other drives attached to your computer, you can also sweep clean those drives. You will now be presented with a message on top of the Disk Cleanup app "You can use Disk Cleanup to free up to any number amount of space presented which can be from 50MB to a whopping 1GB. Look on the very bottom, you'll see Files to Delete, you are presented with with abundance of options from Setup Log Files to Thumbnails, but a check in each box and then hit OK and file dumping operation we now begin.

Disk Cleanup is a very cut and dry application that you can use instead of resorting to a third party solution. If anything you can use Disk Cleaner and CCleaner, alternate its use.





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